

The sina_alma_multi_word tool performs multi-word morphological analysis using SinaTools’ ALMA_multi_word utility. Given a multi-word Arabic text input, it returns a detailed analysis in JSON format.


Below is the usage information that can be generated by running sina_alma_multi_word –help.

sina_alma_multi_word --multi_word=MULTI_WORD_TEXT
sina_alma_multi_word --file


--multi_word MULTI_WORD_TEXT
      The multi-word Arabic text that needs to be analyzed.
      File containing the multi-word text to be analyzed


sina_alma_multi_word --multi_word "Your multi-word text here"
sina_alma_multi_word --file "path/to/your/file.txt"


- Ensure that the text input is appropriately encoded in UTF-8 or compatible formats.
- The tool returns results in JSON format with proper indentation for better readability.
- The quality and accuracy of the analysis depend on the underlying capabilities of the SinaTools' `ALMA_multi_word` utility.
- The tool is specifically designed for multi-word input. For single-word morphological analysis, other specific utilities/tools might be more appropriate.