International Summer School in Information Technology

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Sina Institute for Knowledge Engineering and Arabic Technologies, an institute under the Faculty of Information Technology at Birzeit University, concluded the International Summer School in Information Technology. This summer school, included two courses,  has been held for the five years in a row, with the participation of both local and international university instructors providing advanced topics in the field of technology.

The International Summer School selected  both graduate and undergraduate students (a total of 30 students) in specializations related to Information Technology in Palestinian Universities.

This year, the first course covered advanced topics, in the areas of Internet Security and Computer Networks , such as Internet Protocols (e.g. BGP, OSPF, and SIP) and Multi-Media practically used by global Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Dr. Iyad Tumar, an instructor at the Faculty of Information Technology , taught the first part of the course in advanced topics in Computer Networks, as he has a PhD degree in Computer Networking. The second part of the course, advanced topics in Internet Security, was provided by Professor David Chadwick from the University of Kent. David Chadwick is an instructor specialized in the area of Information Systems Security, and has great achievements in this area.

In the second course, Prof. Paolo Bouquet and prof. Stepheno Portiolli from Italy, covered topics related to Semantic Web. Moreover, Dr. Adel Khalifa , the chairman of the Software Engineering Department at Al-Hussun University in the Emirates, talked about how to measure  the  complexity and quality of software programs.

Both the students and instructors were pleased with the success of this program and hope that this experience will be repeated in coming years .

According to Dr. Abdel Latif Abu Issa, the chairman of the Department of Computer Systems engineering and  the coordinator of the International Summer School, the program is important to the students for many reasons. One of the reasons,  is that students become aware of up-to-date topics in Information Technology from International instructors. On the other hand, students will also obtain a future opportunity of continuing their graduate studies or will be provided with recommendation letters to be able to continue their studies.