- Articles
Yearbook of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, 50-52
Cross-language Semantic Retrieval and Linking of E-gov Services
Narducci F., Palmonari M., Semeraro G.
(accepted)The 12th International Semantic Web Conference and the 1st Australasian Semantic Web Conference. 21-25 October 2013, Sydney, Australia
Towards Building Linguistic Ontology via Cross-Language Matching.
Abu Helou M., Jarrar M., Palmonari M., Fellbaum, C.
(submitted) The 7th Conference on Global WordNet, in Tartu (Estonia) on 25th until 29th January 2014
Arabic Text Correction Using Dynamic Categorized Dictionaries: A Statistical Approach
Adnan Yahya, Ali Salhi
In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Arabic Language Processing-CITALA 2012; Rabat, Morocco.; 1-2 May 2012.
Building a Formal Arabic Ontology (Invited Paper)
Mustafa Jarrar
In proceedings of the Experts Meeting on Arabic Ontologies and Semantic Networks. Alecso, Arab League. Tunis, July 26-28, 2011.
- Posters and Leflets