PalGov Team Visits the University of Trento as part of PalGov activitiesPalGov team visited the University of Trento in Italy as part of PalGov activities. The visit lasted 9 days (from 13/12/2010 to 21/12/2010) and involved several lectures and meetings with e-Government and Interoperability experts and practitioners from academia and industry such as Marco Ronchetti (University of Trento), Paolo Bouqet (University of Trento), Nicola Guarino (ISTC-CNR), Fabio Casati (University of Trento), Adolfo Villafiorita (FBK), Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento), Marco Pistore (Sayservice), and key people from Dedagroup and GPI; two companies that work on service integration solutions.

During the visit, Dr. Mustafa Jarrar gave a presentation entitled: “Semantic-Based Interoperability in the Palestinian e-Government” in which he discussed his approach in tackling the challenges that people face when building e-Government in general and how he adapted it to the Palestinian situation.

In addition, the team of the University of Trento, Led presented the courses and modules they teach in their Master program in e-Government and also the LODE system for producing video lectures.