The IT-Laws Team visiting University of Namur, in Belgium

The IT-laws team in the Palestinian e-Government Academy visited the University of Namur in Belgium, which is a PalGov activities. The visit lasted 12 days (from 6/6/2011 to 17/6/2011) and involved several lectures and meetings with e-Government and Legal Informatics experts and practitioners from academia and the public sector.

During the visit several professors at the university presented an overview of the courses and modules proposed at the University of Namur, in addition to intensive IT-Laws related presentations and discussions, including presentations on the European and Belgian legal system, eCommerce and eArchiving laws, Data Protection, Intellectual Properties in e-governments, Cybercrimes, among other topics.

The team also visited the Belgian Ministry of Interior (Citizen Registry), in which they learned about the Belgian eID, authentic sources, e-signature, and their applications. Two other very interesting meetings  were also held at FIDECT (The Ministry of Federal Public Service for Information Technology and Communications) who is responsible for implementing the eGovernment in Belgium. The Federal Service Bus and many egov applications were presented.

The IT-Laws Team visiting University of Namur, in BelgiumThe IT-Laws Team visiting University of Namur, in BelgiumThe IT-Laws Team visiting University of Namur, in Belgium