Watch Lecture: Experience in Connecting the Ministry of Transportation and with the Police
تجربة الربط بين وزارة المواصلات والشرطة

Experience in Connecting the Ministry of Transportation and with the Police

السيد ماجد عوض

Majed J. Awwad
Majed obtained his bachelor degree in computer science from Al-Quds University in 2003. Majed is a Sharepoint Server and database management systems expert (including Oracle, Informix and MS SQL). He has Solid experience in software development methodologies, lifecycles, and in Object oriented analysis and programming using most popular programming languages. He is currently the CIT director at the Ministry of Transportation where he manages the IT Department in all technical and administrative/logistics tasks. He also monitors and supervises the work of the IT staff members and distributes the tasks of the ministry of transport. He follows up on IT policies and procedures, specifies the standards for the software engineering and analysis documents and provides the needed help in strategic planning for the Software Development Department in ministry of transportation. Prior to that, he worked as a project manager at Ultimit Company and Electronic and Application publishing officer and systems developer at the Prime Minister’s office. At the Prime Minister’s office, Majed Managed the IT Department in all technical and administrative/logistics tasks; Monitored and supervised the work of the IT staff members and distributes the tasks of the Prime Minister’s Office; Followedup on IT policies and procedures and Specified the standards for the software engineering and analysis documents; Provided the needed help in strategic planning for the Software Development Department in Prime Minister’s Office. Majed also worked as Team leader at Safad Engineering and Electronics.

نظام المخالفات المرورية:
نظام المخالفات المرورية هو نظام آلي لضبط وإدارة المخالفات المرورية وطريقة دفعها آلياً باستخدام نظم إلكترونية تربط ما بين شرطة المرور، وزارة النقل والمواصلات، وزارة الداخلية وكذلك مجلس القضاء الأعلى وإيجاد آلية الكترونية لتسجيل الدفعات المالية في البنوك بإستخدام أحدث التقنيات.
وهنا تكمن أهمية التجربة من حيث أسبقيتها في مجال تبادل البيانات الكترونياً ما بين المؤسسات والهيئات الحكومية لما له من أثر في تسهيل عملية تدفق البيانات بين هذه المؤسسات.
نُظم المشروع:
البنية التحتية (Network Infrastructure)
نظام المخالفات المرورية– شرطة المرور
نظام السائقين والمركبات– وزارة النقل والمواصلات
قاعدة بيانات الأحوال المدنية– وزارة الداخلية
نظام المحاكم (ميزان)– مجلس القضاء الأعلى